You can transform the appearance of your home with our quality, durable and attractive roughcasting. You can cover unsightly modern brickwork and ensure your property blends in with the other buildings in your area. Roughcasting also adds further insulation and weather protection to your building. Call us today on 01294 464733 to enquire about roughcasting for your property.
- Re roughcasting of a property is one of our major works throughout the summer months. The re roughcasting of your property is a major factor in preventing water penetration getting through the brickwork.
- Re roughcasting also improves the appearance and enhances the property.
- We also carry out roughcast repairs or re pointing of brick or stone work.
Why use Roughcasting?
The aggregate embedded in the through-coloured render background makes it very hard wearing and resistant to Scottish weather. It will neither change nor fade as all the elements are naturally coloured.

Cement Work
- Cement render, pointing works
Cement rendering is the process of applying mortar to the exterior walls of a property. The advantage to rendering your property is that it allows you to select from many different styles and finishes that cannot be achieved otherwise. This can be done without any structural work being done to the property which makes it a very cost-effective way of beautifying your home.
Many people now see rendering as not just a way of improving the look and sturdiness of their home but also as a way to increase its value. Having a render applied to a property can add thousands to its value which makes it a very worthwhile investment.
Cement rendering can be applied to interior and exterior walls made of cement, brick or stone. It is a mix of lime, sand and cement and is extremely versatile, being able to be applied rough or smooth depending on the mix. There are many different looks that can be achieved using a cement render which makes it ideal for almost any project. After the render has been applied it can then be textured or painted to the property owner’s tastes. Cement rendering has been used for centuries and is an excellent way to improve the appearance and sturdiness of a property as well as being a great weather proofing measure for exterior walls.

Lintel Repairs
Lintels are used within properties to carry the load of brickwork from above a door, window or other opening in an external or internal wall.
If any of these lintels are faulty, have corroded, are made from soldier courses (bricks curved laid vertically which can sag through slight movement) or were not installed as part of the original build, it is likely that cracking and instability in the surrounding walls will occur.
In severe cases walls become dangerous because of faulty or missing lintels. Lintel problems are often uncovered when replacing windows; brickwork may collapse above an opening due to a lack of lintel support.
Breen Roofing we undertake lintel repair or replacement for failed or missing lintels.

Sandstone Repairs
- Repairs to work on damaged sandstone.
- Lime/Mortar pointing.
Does your property require sandstone work? Whether you need sandstone pointing or sandstone cleaning, at Breen Roofing Services we are the experts you need. With many years of experience and the confidence to undertake any type of stone work, we’ll make your property look fresh and new for years to come. Call 01294 464733 for expert advice.

Topseal is the ultimate fibreglass flat roofing system suitable for both domestic and commercial works. The UK’s leading GRP flat roofing company. Topseal GRP roofing systems have been installed on millions of square meters of roofs over the last 20 years all over the UK.
We are also registered with Scottish Building, click on the following link to view their web site

Breen Roofing Ltd,
Castlehill Yard,
4B Hill Street,
KA22 8FE
01294 464733